The Saint Patrick Centre

  "One of the benefits of Digital Technology is that you can get so much information onto a single Multimedia CDROM ... Activeware have provide first rate excellent services. We also invlove Activeware in our web site projects..."

- Dr. Tim Campbell,
(Centre Director)

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Featured Site
tiger,toys,little,mobiles,pull alongs,play buildings,puppets,soft toys,sitters,cushions,furniture,child,childrens,colourful,bright,trucks,cars,wooden,jigsaws,candeloo,competitively priced

Little Tiger Toys was born out of a passion for sourcing inspiring design-led children’s toys, furniture and lighting. The two founding directors, Ken Bishop, a public relations specialist and Joanne Bishop, graphic designer/artist are enthusiastic about good design. They believe that parents want to move away from plastic, heavily branded disposable toys that are so readily available.

Visit http://www.littletigertoys.com for more.



Read All News - Read all the news articles posted including archived news and events.

image  Contract News:

Another client has joined Activeware. We would like to welcome Lecale Gaelic Society

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image  Contract News:

Another client has joined Activeware. We would like to welcome City Vision Belfast

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image  Contract News:

Another client has joined Activeware. We would like to welcome Pole Position

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image  Contract News:

Another client has joined Activeware. We would like to welcome Unique Garden Furniture

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image  Contract News:

Another client has joined Activeware. We would like to welcome Telecom Services

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image  Contract News:

Another client has joined Activeware. We would like to welcome Hallowtides Festival

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image  Contract News:

Another client has joined Activeware. We would like to welcome TJC Promtions

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  Software Development:

Again our technical department has lanuched a new program.
Pixy Professional v3.2

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  Contract News:

Another client has joined Activeware. We would like to welcome BinTow

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  ActiveWare were setup to provide stable, affordable, easy to use software. With over 15 years experience in the IT market, we know what it means to provide reliable services...

Activeware was established to satisfy a market need for a design and development company that could offer effective Multimedia CDROM & Multimedia DVD Technology, Software Development, Web Design, Web Hosting and Wireless Broadband / Network Technology to any organisation.

These solutions are aimed at providing marketing tools and resources using the lastest technologies.

Our philosophy is to develop long-term business relationships by providing ongoing resouces via Multimedia CDROM & Multimedia DVD Technology, Software Development, Web Design, Web Hosting and Wireless Broadband / Network technologies. We also provide a cost effective solution for upgrading and maintaining your project.

Unique Garden Furniture

  Unique Garden Furniture, Granite Garden Furniture, Tables, Chairs, Benches, Ornaments

Visit Site

Hallowtides Festival, Halloween Newcastle

 Newcastle plays host to the inaugural Hallowtides Festival, which promises to be one of the largest Halloween celebrations in the county.

Visit Site

  Activeware provide web hosting from only £9.95 per month including a secure server for safe on-line e-commerce applications & sites.

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  Activeware design & produce custom built applications from simple slide show programs to stock control management.

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Castlewellan Online


Celtic Fusion

Castlewellan Online


Activeware were recently awarded the contract to create the new Castlewellan Online website which will be used as an information portal for residents, visitors and businesses worldwide...

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Celtic Fusion with TV, Local and National coverage with top acts playing to to packed audiences. Activeware is proud to update and manage this site.

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Dr. Alasdair McDonnell - M.P. MLA SDLP


Acitveware Wireless Broadbandl

Dr. Alasdair McDonnell MP

Activeware work closely with Dr. Alasdair McDonnells MP team to produce and manage the site for the MP.

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  Activeware Wireless Broadband Service in County Down Norther Ireland

Activeware lanuch another sister site. Delivering Wireless Broadband access to Towns and Villiages across Co. Down and Ireland...

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Hillyard House


Saint Patrick Centre

Hillyard House - Website Design & Hosting

Activeware work closely with Kelly McEvoy & Brown to develop and manage their Hillyard House Guest House web site...

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  The Saint Patrick Centre - Website, design and updating

The Saint Patrick Centre was built to celebrate the life and times of Saint Patrick, and the website and cdrom give you a flavour of the centre before you visit...

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St Colm's High School


Newcastle On Line

School Multimedia CDROM Prospectus

St Colm's High School Interactive Multimedia CDROM was a very successful project and the school were very pleased with the outcome.

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  Newcastle County Down Nothern Ireland

The site was designed to promote tourism and culture in Newcastle County Down by the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce.

Click Here to visit the site

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Bin Tow, Device for towing a wheelie bin to the roadside. This novel gadget can haul your wheelie bin which is an ideal present for Dads Birthday, Christmas or Fathers day.

BinTow an unique product, this company have patented a design and will have an online e-commerce solution. Visit www.bin-tow.com

Bin Tow, Device for towing a wheelie bin to the roadside. This novel gadget can haul your wheelie bin which is an ideal present for Dads Birthday, Christmas or Fathers day.


Air-Net WiFi HotSpots are located in towns, communities, hotels, cafes, airports, train stations, bus stations, marinas, universities, exhibition centres, conference centres around the world.

Air-Net gives you wireless broadband internet access using your laptop or PDA while travelling away from your home or office.

Visit http://www.airnetwifi.com for more. Click Here to register for an Air-Net Wifi Account.


Special Links of Interest:

Activeware Wireless Broadband


Air-Net Broadband Services


Air-Net Wifi (Global HotSpots)


Why not download one of our programs for FREE ?

Using Pixy Professional saves you time and increases productivity, because you don't have to waste time printscreening or using paint programs to find the colour of a pixel.

Link-spider is designed to be easy to use for all users while at the same time having all the features required by today’s top webmasters.

GraFX has been designed to reduce the amount of time taken to convert/rescale/resize bmp, jpg and gif images. Batch Image Processing made easy.

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current version: v.3.2


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current version: v.1.6

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current version: v2.4

Copyright ©2005 Activeware

