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link spider is a unique program designed to help webmasters organize their link exchange programs and give accurate reporting of all links concerned. Link-spider is designed to be easy to use for all users while at the same time having all the features required by todays top webmasters.

Why do i need link-Spider ? Today link exchanging is more prevelant than ever. Often the success or failure of a website can depend on an effective linking stategy. But how can you make sure that:

The site you are exchanging links with is still displaying your link.
The site doesnt have an exsessive number of outgoing links.
The site is visable by search engines and will be followed.

Our software can solve all of these problems by give you a detailed report on each link exchange partner.

How many links can i have? You can either put one url into the program or load a list of urls from a text file. There is no limit to the number or urls you can load as some sites may have 100s of back links.

Why is is checking reciprocal links so important? Many of todays top webmasters are choosing to buy or swap links with very high level sites. So there is alot to be gained or lost by the success of these reciprocal links. Some webmasters are also exchaning links with sites because of the google PageRank that they have, so it is important to make sure that this stays the same also.

- Check the number of Internal & external links on any web page
- Check to ensure your link is still on the the web page and is valid
- Retreive the GooglePR of the web page
- Makes sure there is "No-Follow" code aimed at Search Robots
- Displays any easy to read and understand report





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